Our Dedicated and Trustworthy Team

Matthew - Saiyans


I started coding for fun about 10 years ago. I currently work in Cybersecurity and as a System Administrator. Before I started dabbling in the PC Servers, I coded and managed a Dayz Xbox server (still up and running today). We now have 4 PC Servers and 2 Xbox Servers! I code for fun, and also love to PVP!

Eric - wareZ


I work in IT Infrastructure and data management by day and mod developer/PvPer by night. I started creating mods in the late 90's creating soundpacks for Starsiege Tribes. In 2004 I got addicted to World of Warcraft and mostly played as a main tank for a top 10 US guild. I created a few custom addons for our guild to use while raiding but nothing major or publicly available. I eventually found DayZ in 2019 and have been playing it since. I have around 9500 hours in DayZ and as of last year when joining the Anarchy team I began learning modding for Dayz and started out with creating custom areas using DayZ editor, creating custom gun and armor skins and most recently creating a custom ammo mod for our servers.

Cedrick - Freizer

Executive Staff

Welcome to our server, glad you're here and I hope you enjoy your stay! My name is Friezer and I have been playing DayZ since the Arma 2 Mod days. (Great times I know!) I started playing DayZ SA back in the beginning of 2018. I love coding and the things that come with developing a good DayZ server.

Kevin - Ny Opie


Gaming has been a large part of my life. Playing and transiting between most consoles throughout the years. I spent 10+ yrs helping moderate (2x) communities on Xbox. Switching gears to Wildlife photography, I built a PC that could withstand the amount of editing necessary. This led me to PC Gaming and DayZ. Looking forward to seeing the growth of our community.

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